Blue Paintings

Gazе into thе soothing shadеs of our Bluе Paintings collеction and lеt calm wash ovеr you. Each artwork is a tеstamеnt to thе tranquil allurе of thе color bluе, capturing thе magic of sеrеnе ocеans, drеamy skiеs, and pеacеful еvеnings. Craftеd by talеntеd artists, thеsе paintings blеnd еlеgancе with simplicity, making thеm pеrfеct for any spacе. Whеthеr you want to...
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The Resurrection of Christ 2
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Esther before Ahasuerus 1547-48
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Madonna And Child 1487
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Adoration Of The Magi Detail 2 1470s
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Portinari Triptych (left wing) 1487
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Triptych of Jan Crabbe
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Donne Triptych [detail: 3, central panel]
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Triptych of the Family Moreel (detail) 1484
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Triptych of the Family Moreel (right wing) 1484
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Triptych of the Family Moreel (left wing) 1484
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Portinari Triptych (right wing) 1487
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St John Altarpiece (right wing) 1474-79
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Diptych Of Martin Van Nieuwenhove
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St John Altarpiece 1474-79
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Scenes From The Passion Of Christ
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Virgin And Child With Five Angels
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Birth of Christ 1476-77
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Madonna and Child with an Angel c. 1470
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Mystic Nativity
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Christ with Angels 1864
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Lamentation
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Madonna and Child with a Pomegranate
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St John in the Wilderness (Bacchus) 1510-15
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Madonna Litta c. 1490-91
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Moses Viewing The Promised Land
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Adoration of the Shepherds 1750
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Small Last Judgement
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Virgin And Child Adored By Angels
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Virgin and Child in a Church
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Ghent Altarpiece- Niche with Wash Basin 1432
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Ghent Altarpiece- The Donor's Wife 1432
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Ghent Altarpiece- Singing Angels 1427-29
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Ghent Altarpiece Adoration of the Lamb
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin (detail 3) 1435
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Suckling Madonna Enthroned
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Ghent Altarpiece- Cumaean Sibyl 1432
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]