Albrecht Durer

 Albrecht Durer - The German Renaissance Albrecht Durer (1471 – 1528) was well known as a theorist of the German Renaissance. He was also popular as a German painter and printmaker. When he was only twenty years old, he established a good reputation because of his high-quality woodcut prints across the European region. His preferred technique for the body of work...
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Pattern from the Series of Six Knots 3
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Illustration to Revelationes Sancte Birgitte 1
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Man of Sorrows Mocked by a Soldier
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Holy Onophrius
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Holy Family with Three Hares
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Saint Jerome
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Portrait of Erasmus of Rotterdam
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Study Of Drapery 1508 Drawing
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Helius Eobanus Hessus
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Fifth and Sixth Trumpets
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Adoration(fragment) 2
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Head of St Mark (2)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Dragon with Seven Heads
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]


Hand Study with Bible
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Angel with the Key to the Pit
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Portrait of Paul Martin and the Topler Pfinzig
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Head Of An Apostle Looking Upward
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Figure of Woman Shown in Motion
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Ecce Homo 6
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Male Nude(Apollo Poynter)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The small chariot
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Head Of An Apostle Looking Downward
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Female Nude from Behind
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Mary at the gate
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Head Of A Negro
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Linden Tree on a Bastion
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St.Michael and his Angels Fight the Dragon
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Dream Vision
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Portrait Melchior Pfinzing
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St.John Swallowing Book Presented by Angel
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Pine Tree
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Crucifixion 1508
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Christ on the Cross with Three Angels
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St.John Beholding the Seven Candelabra
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Portrait of Henry Parker, Lord Morley
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Draughtsman Drawing a Recumbent Woman
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Agony In The Garden (Engraved Passion)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
St. Eustace - Right Panel
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
The Seven Sorrows of the Virgin, middle panel
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Christ Crowned with Thorns (No. 7)
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]
Salvator Mundi 2
50cm X 60cm [20" x 24"]